Yo, me, mi, contigo (I, Me, My, With you)


Title Yo, me, mi, contigo (I, Me, My, With you)

Place Exhibition Hall of the Diputación Provincial de Huesca. Huesca. Spain
Date November 27, 2015 - February 21, 2016

Fundación Telefónica takes part in the exhibition Yo, me, mi, contigo (I, Me, My, With you) with a photograph by Jonh Coplans (London 1920 – New York City, 2003) dated in 1990. It is ‘Self Portrait, Lying Figure, Holding Leg -Four panels-‘, a series of four shots which, when aligned, show the full body of the artist lying. Only his head and face are missing, something usual in his work, because Coplans tries to maintain an impersonal look in his self-portraits.