

Big Data: Profiles, skills, and salaries

We tell you which are the most in-demand roles in Big Data according to job offers published on specialized employability platforms


The immersive exhibition ‘Echoes of the ocean’ combines art, science, and technology to reflect on the human relationship with marine ecosystems

The exhibition is the result of a creative dialogue between the art of the British collective Marshmallow Laser Feast and the scientific research of the Bioacoustic Applications Laboratory of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, focusing on the perception of reality by cetaceans.


How to become a cybersecurity specialist

This professional profile remains among the most sought-after by companies according to the Employment Map, with nearly 1,800 job openings between October 2024 and January 2025.


These will be the three most in-demand digital profiles in 2025

Software Developer, ICT Consultant, and Digital Marketing Specialist will be the positions with the highest number of vacancies in 2025.


Telos 126: International Dialogue

Issue 126 of TELOS Magazine delves into intergenerational dialogue as a driver of social progress in a world transformed by technology


Telos Forum 2024