Paco Roca. Street Drawer


Title Paco Roca. Street Drawer

This sample is the key to understanding the artist’s work from his early beginnings, as the creator of many graphic novels, including the acclaimed “Arrugas” (Wrinkles).

Place Espacio Fundación Telefónica - Madrid
Date November 2014 - February 2015

This sample is the key to understanding the artist’s work from his early beginnings, as the creator of many graphic novels, including the acclaimed “Arrugas” (Wrinkles). Here, we are drawn closer to his own particular creative universe by his sketches, notes, posters, publications, audio visual pieces and more, which allow us to understand his creative process all the way from the emergence of an idea to when it is rendered in its final format.

In film, a behind-the-scenes production teaches viewers about the foundations behind a film and allows them to understand the director’s work. Therefore, ‘Street Drawer’ could be seen as a behind-the-scenes rendition of Roca’s most important work, which means it is a must for those wishing not only to understand his work, but also to look more closely at his creative processes and see how he brings his ideas and projects to life.

Further information (Spanish)