Title Horacio Coppola – Photography
In total harmony with the artistic languages of the new objectivity, Coppola frequents the last years of the Bauhaus, directed at that time in Berlin by Mies Van der Rohe.
Place Fundación Caja Rural in Huelva
Date October 6 to 29, 2010
In the late 1920’s Coppola is responsible for breaking away completely from the pictorial tradition. In the largest exhibition organised so far in Spain, Fundación Telefónica in Madrid reveals Horacio Coppola’s modern vocation, who from the very first moment turned photography into a self-standing artistic language that becomes realized through geometry, abstraction and through urban architectures.
Image Gallery
Horacio Coppola – Photography
Horacio Coppola – Photography
Horacio Coppola – Photography
Horacio Coppola – Photography