The exhibition ‘Arissa. The shadow and the photographer, 1922-1936’ seeks to enhance the name of Antoni Arissa, one of the most outstanding members of the avant-garde photography movement whose work remained unknown during eight decades.

The exhibition ‘Arissa. The shadow and the photographer, 1922-1936′ seeks to enhance the name of Antoni Arissa, one of the most outstanding members of the avant-garde photography movement whose work remained unknown during eight decades.
Over 160 black and white photographs form the exhibition, which tours along his career, showing it divided into three different parts according to the various styles that he worked on: Pictorialism, from 1922 to 1928, the evolution towards visual solutions of modernity, up to the early Thirties, and The New Vision from 1930 to 1936, when Arissa becomes a member of the avant-garde photography movement.