Together with Women4Cyber Spain we will promote digital skills among women

  • Employability

Campus 42 will host initiatives and activities to promote the development, recognition and visualisation of women in the ICT and cybersecurity sector.

At Fundación Telefónica, we aim to achieve digital inclusiveness and promote the adoption of technology as a tool to facilitate the development of all people. With a special focus on female talent, the institution also works to promote initiatives that allow girls, young women and adult women to be trained in digital skills and take advantage of all the professional potential that the technological field can provide them with.

To increase our footprint and achieve a greater impact, we work together with other organisations and institutions. Thanks to the collaboration agreement we have signed with Women4Cyber Spain, our 42 programming campuses in Madrid, Urduliz (Bizkaia), Barcelona and Malaga will strengthen their promotion of digital skills among women.

Thanks to the agreement, both institutions will promote the development, recognition and visibility of women in the technology sector and, more specifically, in the field of cybersecurity:

  • Disseminate and improve digital skills, especially aimed at fostering scientific vocations among girls and young women.
  • Motivate other women to consider cybersecurity as a profession in which to develop and grow.

Women4Cyber is a non-profit organisation with the aim of becoming a benchmark in the promotion and visibility of the role of women in cybersecurity in Spain, as well as gender diversity in the sector. It aims to build, together, a more secure and inclusive digital world. It is the Spanish chapter of, founded by the European Cybersecurity Organisation (ECSO), and the first and only association of women in cybersecurity in Spain with European backing.

Both Fundación Telefónica and Women4Cyber will work together to promote training at all levels in cybersecurity and technology to attract more female talent, as well as the dissemination and improvement of digital skills, especially aimed at developing scientific vocations among girls and young women, among other initiatives.


Employability: Boosting female STEM talent

The lack of women in the scientific and technological world is a reality. Fundación Telefónica, aware of this reality and over the years, has implemented various initiatives to promote the presence of women in technological disciplines.

One of these is the reservation of 30% of places in the selection process for students in the free 42 programming campuses so that more and more women are trained in the digital professions of the present and the future.

In addition, to promote interest in programming and technological disciplines, 42 Madrid, 42 Urduliz (Bizkaia), 42 Barcelona and 42 Malaga are organising five-day training programmes aimed specifically at women so that, as well as learning about the 42 methodology, they can learn how to create their own website.

In 2023, around 2,000 women signed up for a total of 16 calls of this type, known as Piscine Discovery Web Women’ Edition, where they were able to put into practice the peer-to-peer learning that characterises Campus 42, as well as enter the world of programming and discover the possibilities for development and employment that technology can offer.

During 2024, Fundación Telefónica will continue to promote diversity and the incorporation of female talent into the technological field. An example of this is the collaboration agreement signed with Women4Cyber to increase the presence of women in cybersecurity, emerging technologies and any of the scientific, digital or technical disciplines.

Together with Women4Cyber Spain we will promote digital skills among women
Together with Women4Cyber Spain we will promote digital skills among women