If you want to change the education system and enhance your career, we’ll tell you step by step how to overcome tomorrow’s challenges in education and the new technologies.
Before the pandemic, it was impossible to imagine the role technology would play as an educational, employment and social medium. It was normal to grow, socialise, work and/or learn in the same space as everyone else, but when our freedom of movement was taken away from us by the virus, technology became the remedy for social distancing. At that time, the terms ICT, LKT and TEP began to resonate in the ears of those who formed part of the education system.

At Telefónica Foundation we committed to free online training in the new technologies before the lockdown. Our mission is to promote learning and bridge the digital divide to train the professionals of tomorrow.
We want all students to take control of their professional lives and be ready to face up to the challenges of the future. We therefore explain what ICT, LKT and TEP are and why these learning technologies are so important in education.
What are ICT and LKT?
Overnight, thousands of teachers were forced to teach via a screen and digitise the contents of their subjects to enable their students to continue with their education throughout the lockdown.
If you’re involved in teaching, you’re likely to have heard of ICT and LKT, letters which stand for Information and Communications Technology and Learning and Knowledge Technologies.
ICT refers to:
- the technologies required for global information management, training and outreach.
- In the education sector, they permit the exchange of knowledge. It’s essential for teachers to have developed digital skills for their introduction into the classroom.
LKT involves the didactic use of technologies adapted to the needs of the students. In other words, although it may sound a bit confusing, we should understand LKT as the use of ICT in education.
Technology has gradually been incorporated into everyday life. From the moment at which the first computer emerged in 1822 to the latest release of any smartphone, technological devices and systems have shown that they can improve people’s lives.
The need to incorporate technology into the education system was already evident before COVID-19, but during the lockdown teachers became aware that ICT is a prerequisite in education.
What are TEP?
Technologies of Empowerment and Participation (TEP) constitute the implementation of technology and digitisation in the education system.
In other words, they’re the evolutionary step in education towards adapting the system to the current-day world. By means of the use of technological systems, students can feel more connected, adapted and implicated with their peers around the world and undergo better career development, an essential aspect of the world of work.
The benefits of ICT, LKT and TEP
In short, LKT and TEP are the applications of ICT in education. In other words, LKT is the practice of ICT in education and the process of integrating technology into the educational system is known as PET.
The five key benefits of these new technologies are:
- Better preparation of the students for the labour market
- The development of the digital skills required in today’s society
- Inclusion of the needs of all learners
- The motivation and engagement of the native student in the digital age
- The bridging of the digital divide
If you work in the field of education, find out how Telefónica Foundation can provide you with tools to enable you to turn technology into an ally in your daily life. Take the leap towards digital transformation: https://www.fundaciontelefonica.com/educacion/#centros.