This is not only a Spanish objective; Europe is also working along the same lines. The European Commission has declared 2023 the European Year of Skills, to promote lifelong learning.
We join the Pact for the Digital Generation, an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, to provide the right tools and methodologies to digitally empower Spaniards.

The Manifesto for the Improvement of Digital Skills, or Pact for Generation D, aims to provide a core of areas, competences, key skills and performance levels so that citizens have the opportunity to acquire, develop and improve their digital skills, from a holistic and equitable approach, aligned with the European Framework of Digital Competences for Citizenship (DigComp).
Together with nearly 50 Spanish entities, we are committed to continuing with projects and initiatives that contribute to Spanish society becoming a digitally competent society in which no one is left behind.
At Fundación Telefónica, we promote digital education and training for employment with innovative methodologies and tools to respond to these needs. We guide, advise and train through key projects, among others: 42, the most innovative programming campus in the world or Conecta Empleo, our digital training programme, to prepare for the digital professions and skills most in demand in the labour market. And we do this through technology as a tool, which advances us all and generates equal opportunities to create a fairer and more inclusive society.
In the words of our general director, Carmen Morenés, on our adherence to the manifesto: “It is everyone’s responsibility to work to reduce this digital divide, it is everyone’s task to empower people. This requires continuous learning, which must be promoted from the foundations of education and continue from companies and institutions with upskilling and reskilling to be more competitive. This is the only way to retain talent, boost economic recovery and quality employment and modernise the productive fabric”.
The Pact for the Digital Generation
The priorities of the Digital Generation Pact are the green and digital transition to boost economic recovery and the creation of quality employment, modernise the production model and reinforce the social and territorial structuring of the country, combating the problem of a hollowed-out Spain.
To this end, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation’s initiative aims to:
- To provide a space for social agents, associations, companies, social entities, foundations, etc. to publicise their own initiatives, publications, events, etc;
- Raise awareness in society on how to support projects and initiatives aimed at overcoming digital divides; train citizens in transversal digital skills and for employment;
- Promoting the digital transformation of SMEs, their managers and employees in need of retraining; leading the balance between the digital profiles demanded by companies and the programmes for attracting and retaining talent.
- Promote inter-ministerial collaboration, with autonomous communities and cities, institutions and official bodies to raise the profile of government initiatives to reduce digital divides, digital inclusion and lifelong learning in digital skills.
This is not only a Spanish objective; Europe is also working along the same lines. The European Commission has declared 2023 the European Year of Skills, to promote lifelong learning.