The Employment Map has registered more than 55,411 job offers for digital professions in Spain in the last three months. Of these, 28% belong to the Autonomous Community of Madrid, which ranks first nationally, followed by Catalonia and Valencia.
Based on Big Data technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanisms, Telefonica Foundation’s Employment Map analyses the job offers published in the last three months on the Infojobs, Tecnoempleo and ticjob portals, identifying and displaying this information visually and interactively to draw a picture of the current situation of the digital profiles and skills most in demand by companies throughout Spain and its different provinces.
This tool is located at a key moment for the employment sector, which represents the accelerated technological transformation to which all companies have had to adapt and which requires, more than ever, professionals in technology. Trends such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and big data are driving the growth, development and innovation that facilitates the evolution of society and the productive sectors, but this technological explosion has also highlighted the lack of specialised professionals in these fields.
In a society that is evolving at a dizzying pace, marked by the acceleration of digitalisation, the social challenges are ever greater. According to the report ‘Digital Society in Spain 2023’, published by Fundación Telefónica, there is a demand for digital profiles in Spain that, for now, there is not enough supply to cover it. In 2022, only 13% of organisations hired or tried to hire ICT experts and 4.7% had problems finding the right profile, with one of the main problems being the lack of experience required by the candidates. Also, continuing with the data collected by this report, on average, ICT specialists account for 4.5% of employment in the EU, although Spain is below the average, with a proportion of 4.1%.

Madrid, the autonomous community with the highest demand for digital professionals
One of the platform’s outstanding functions is that it provides information on the most sought-after digital professions in each province, as well as the skills required to work in them. According to the data recorded in the second quarter of 2024, Madrid is positioned as the autonomous community with the most job offers for digital professionals with more than 15,300, followed by Catalonia with around 8,790 and Valencia with more than 2,500. The national ranking is followed by Andalusia, with 2,387; the Basque Country, with 1,768; and Galicia with 1,029 offers.
The digital profiles and skills most sought after by companies in Spain.
In the data published in the last quarter, the Employment Map has registered more than 55,400 job offers for digital professions in Spain. Of these, the five most sought-after digital profiles have been:
- Software developer, with 9,676 vacancies.
- ICT consultant, with 6,830.
- ICT Technical Staff, with 5,266.
- Systems Administrator, with 4,965.
- Digital Project Manager, with 4,103.
In turn, the Employment Map also analyses the digital skills most sought after by companies. In the last three months, Java, present in more than 6,600 job offers, has been the most sought-after skill. This is followed by cloud computing, in demand in 6,088 vacancies, and JavaScript, in 3,891.
Boosting employability in the digital age
With the aim of promoting digital education and training for employment to respond to the changing needs of the labour market, Telefonica Foundation promotes the development of the digital skills necessary to develop people’s potential through innovative solutions, following a direct, transformational and differential intervention model through initiatives such as Conecta Empleo, the online platform for training in digital skills; its free 42 programming campuses, located in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga and Urduliz; and platforms for employment advice and guidance such as the Employment Map or the Virtual Guidance Centre.