In an increasingly digitised world, technology has formed an integral part of our lives and, as a result, the demand for digital skills has grown exponentially in recent years.
From small businesses to large corporations, the need for skilled technology professionals has become critical to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.
The Employment Map, our tool based on data analysis and artificial intelligence sourced from information taken from and other specialised pages, reflects the career profiles and the digital skills most in demand by companies in Spain and how they have developed over time.
With this constant evolution of technology and its impact on the labour market, which have emerged as the five most in-demand digital skills?

Software development and programming:
People with knowledge and experience in programming languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript and C++ are highly sought after by companies of all sizes. Among their functions is to create applications, programmes and systems that drive innovation in society and help companies in their endeavours.
Development profiles continue to be the most in demand and their volume has steadily increased, currently standing at around 46% in the second quarter of 2023 (+6 p.p. vs. the first quarter). Among programming languages, the most popular are Java, JavaScript and .NET.
If we take the data from our Employment Map as a reference, there are currently more than 15,200 vacancies for software developers in Spain.
According to the employment indicators, candidates with at least one year of experience in the sector can expect salaries of around €20k-22k; and, on average, the most sought after are those with more than five years of experience in similar positions, i.e. senior profiles, followed by those with between two and five years, known as “middle” developers.
Data analysis and Big Data:
In the era of big data, the ability to gather, analyse and extract valuable information from large data sets has become a crucial tool in business decision-making.
Profiles specialised in analysing these can unlock hidden insights, identify patterns and trends, and provide strategic information to optimise business processes and improve operational efficiency. As a result, they are increasingly in high demand by companies.
According to the Employment Map, there are more than 2,100 vacancies for data analysts, while the demand for data engineers exceeds 1,100 open positions. Based on the evolution of vacancy posts at, currently 5% of the total number of vacancies offered by the site.
According to the offers listed on this same job portal, the salary range for this profile type goes from €24k for a junior employee or someone with basic knowledge to €45k for those already with more than five years of experience.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning:
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionising the way people interact with technology. Barely a week goes by without a news story on this subject, from intelligent chatbots that talk back and help you on virtually any topic, such as ChatGPT or Bard, to virtual assistants or predictive algorithms that help improve the user experience and increase automation across various industries.
According to the positions offered in, the level of experience required by companies is in the four-year range and salaries for the published vacancies goes from €21k-25k for a junior profile to €35k-50k for those with experience.
Machine learning, programming languages such as R or Python, and knowledge of databases and SQL are among the most sought-after skills or knowledge in the vacancies advertised.
With cyber-threats on the rise, cybersecurity is an essential digital competence to protect sensitive information and ensure data privacy.
Expertise in this area can pinpoint vulnerabilities, implement security measures and respond to security incidents to protect organisations from malicious attacks.
More and more companies are concerned about the protection of their data and are looking for professionals to help set up detection programmes to combat fraud and any type of cyber-threat, which is why we are seeing an increase in job offers for this type of profile.
On the Employment Map, the number of vacancies for cybersecurity specialists currently exceeds 1,700.
According to the positions offered on, the salary range for this type of profile goes from €18-24k for a position with under than two years of experience, to €24k-33k for a “middle” profile, and from €39k and up for a vacancy with a degree of specialisation and experience of over five years, according to the company.
User experience (UX) and interface design:
User experience (UX) has become a critical factor for the success of any digital product or service. The rise of e-commerce has made it essential for us to have an attractive website for the customer to engage or purchase our services.
UX and interface design specialists are responsible for creating user-centric solutions that are intuitive, accessible and attractive. These skills are key to improving the reach to the audience that companies, media, institutions or organisations are targeting, as well as retaining clients and gaining the satisfaction of users or consumers of content, products or services.
According to the offers published on, the salaries for this type of vacancies range between €18k-22k for profiles with less experience or seniority and €27k-33k for positions with certain experience.
If you are interested in finding out more about what organisations are looking for, our Employment Map provides up-to-date information. If you are looking for a job or want to change careers, at you can find the right job offers for you.
And if what you need is to find out what kind of training is required to specialise in any of these digital competences or skills, our Fundación Telefónica Virtual Career Advisor can be of great help in recommending the best training options to help you acquire these skills.