Telos 124 takes on the challenge of digital inclusion

  • Digital Culture

In this number, experts such as Andrés Allamand, Ibero-American Secretary General and protagonist of this edition, analyse what formulas there are to guarantee that all people can take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies from perspectives covering digital literacy and training, the deployment of infrastructures or an updated regulatory framework.


The world is in the midst of a process of digital transformation, which means that people need tools to ready themselves for these dizzying changes on an equal footing. In this context, the concept of digital inclusion or e-Inclusion refers to the need to ensure that all people enjoy equal access and use of technologies for all people, regardless of age, gender, socio-economic background or abilities.

Issue 124 of the TELOS journal focuses on this challenge by analysing the different ways of making technology more approachable so that everyone can benefit from the opportunities it offers and thus build fairer, more caring, prosperous and sustainable societies. To this end, the journal features a panel of experts who present their view from perspectives ranging from the deployment of infrastructures for Internet access from any region or social environment; digital skills training for children, young people and the elderly; social innovation and the establishment of a framework of accessible and affordable governance relations; the safe and responsible use of technologies without exclusions, especially in groups at risk of exclusion and the new framework of digital rights.

Click here to download TELOS 124

The interview in issue 124 of TELOS is dedicated to Andrés Allamand, Ibero-American Secretary General. The featured topics include bridging divides, the need to put people at the centre and the importance of citizen participation in achieving a digital society that is fair, inclusive, sustainable and supportive.

In his statements, Allamand said that “Ibero-America could become one of the first regions in the world to have common standards for people-centred digitisation based on the Ibero-American Charter of Digital Principles and Rights”. The SEGIB Secretary General also highlighted the three key elements to achieving a fair, inclusive, sustainable and supportive digital society“The first thing is to always put people at the centre, to ensure that their rights are guaranteed and protected in digital environments. The second is to make progress in reducing gaps and preventing the emergence of new ones. The third is to ensure that digital environments support citizen participation in social, economic and political affairs through the implementation of inclusive spaces that are open and free of misinformation.” 


E-inclusion, a pending issue to tear down existing divides

The Main Journal of TELOS 124 addresses e-inclusion in our society from different perspectives, such as access to connectivity to bridging existing gaps; digital literacy in schools to foster critical thinking, the omnipresence of artificial intelligence and the strengthening of new digital rights.

To this end, it has enjoyed the participation of experts such as Teresa Gomes, CEO of Internet Para Todos, Romina Riviello Kernion, Founder and CEO of Digital Family, Alfonso Ballesteros, PhD in Political Philosophy from the University of A Coruña, David Vila-Viñas, Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Law at the University of Seville. PhD in Legal Sociology and Political Institutions from the University of Zaragoza, and Beatriz Cabellos Elipe, a graduate in Primary Education and Doctor in Psychology with accreditation as an Assistant Doctor.

In addition, Mario Coronado, former Director of Public Affairs at Telefónica Hispam, participated in this issue as a guest contributor. In his article, he reflects on the need for full connectivity, equitable access to the digital world, and the promotion of digital skills as tools to achieve a fairer society by reducing gender, education, policy and urban-rural divides.

In the Analysis section, Adoración Díaz López, researcher and lecturer at the UNIR Cyberpsychology Research Group, highlights the importance of educating in the responsible use of technology as a shared task. As for Óscar Lorenzo, coordinator of the Aluesa Centre of the Adsis Foundation, his article explores digital uses and addictive behaviours mediated by technologies, and to what extent the new generations suffer from techno-addictions. Finally, international human rights expert and partner at Akuaipa Transformation, Mikel Berraondo, highlights the importance of the use of new technologies as an opportunity for indigenous organisations to promote their cultures, exercise human rights and fight against violations.

And in the Experiences section, TELOS brings us two examples of e-inclusion in vulnerable groups from Valentina Ríos, head of Strategy and Evaluation at the ProFuturo Foundation and María Fernández Alonso, head of ProFuturo’s monitoring system.

Telos 124 takes on the challenge of digital inclusion
Telos 124 takes on the challenge of digital inclusion