#Telos113 #RepensandoElMañana
With a third of humanity confined in their homes because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ‘most severe crisis since WWII’, issue 113 of the Telos Magazine is dedicated to sustainability (free download). The North American sociologist, writer and activist, Jeremy Rifkin, on the cover of this new issue, points out that all hopes are pinned on the millennial generation. The launch of this new issue is accompanied with a series of live conversations with some of the authors (view the full schedule)).

The new issue of Telos is dedicated to sustainability. Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by the United Nations to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and guarantee prosperity, the Magazine proposes a debate, with an analysis and answers, for the consolidation of a society with a future in the short, medium and long-term.
The star on the cover is the North American sociologist, writer and activist, Jeremy Rifkin. In the interview he confesses: ‘I have never been an optimist and I will never be a pessimist. As an activist, I am always hopeful, but I am not a fool’ His words summarize what you will find in issue 113. The cover page also reflects two ways of looking at the moment: Full of exciting opportunities or unassailable threats.
The center spread, illustrated by Emma Gascó, is titled Sustainability: Models for a society with a future’ and brings together six authors who discuss the topic from different points of view. Jorge Pérez and José Félix Hernández-Gil offer a critical look at the SDGs from the perspective of technology;’ Antonio Hernández focuses on the balance of the city with the rural environment; Totti Könnölä talks about the role of digitization towards the smart circular economy. Diego Isabel La Moneda offers five keys for a new economy aligned with the Agenda 2030; Paloma De La Puente dissects the artificial intelligence applied to attaining the SDGs and Antonio Turiel closes with an analysis of how the mental schema applied to the economy fall short for reaching sustainability.
The guest author of the issue is Almudena Solana. In ‘Communication Matters’, Marc Amorós writes ‘The news is in a state of warfare’ and speaks of how information is experiencing daily battles to impose ideologies.
In the ‘Analysis’ section, the magazine addresses how spaces condition our experience in any of the areas in which we humans de-evolve. Art is the star of Experiences. Alejandro Sacristán analyzes how the digital technology artists have launched a planetary cry of alarm.
The lawyer Javier Fernández-Lasquetty is at the helm of the Regulation section, and he explains that it is necessary to have an economic policy and a clear legal framework in the use of data in activities associated with artificial intelligence, and especially in industry 4.0. The issue closes with a selection of digital resources to combat the lockdown in References, as well as some selected reading.