Over 30 students from 42 Barcelona advance to the ‘outer core’

  • Employability

Over thirty profiles at the campus have successfully completed the core curriculum of the 42 learning program, guaranteeing them 100% employability.

42 Barcelona celebrates its third anniversary with the ‘Transcendence’ ceremony, an event recognizing over 30 students for completing the ‘common core,’ which guarantees them 100% employability in the technology sector, a field in constant demand for qualified professionals.

The ceremony featured participation from Sara Diaz Roig, Executive Director of Strategic Sectors and Talent at Barcelona Activa of the Barcelona City Council; Joan Cruz, Director of Institutional Relations at Fundación Telefónica; and Ainhoa Zamora, Director of 42 Barcelona. Each honoree was presented with a symbolic diploma commemorating their achievement.

Ainhoa Zamora, Director of 42 Barcelona, highlighted the significance of this milestone in the students’ learning journey: “Completing this step typically takes an average of 18 to 24 months of effort, perseverance, and intense work. It marks a decisive advancement in their professional growth, as they can now begin to specialize in the areas of their choice. It’s a milestone of particular significance.”

Completing the ‘common core,’ which involves acquiring fundamental technical programming skills, means these individuals are now fully qualified digital professionals ready to enter today’s technology-driven workforce. This achievement has demanded dedication, hundreds of hours of programming, and above all, collaborative work—the cornerstone of learning at 42.

Now, not only are they guaranteed 100% employability as qualified digital professionals in today’s labor market, but they also embark on a new phase of growth as ‘outer cores.’

In this new stage, they will choose which trends or specializations to pursue further: blockchain, cybersecurity, data analytics, cloud computing, quantum computing, video game development, and more. Ahead lies a new chapter of development, equally challenging and demanding as the first, with 14 additional levels of knowledge awaiting them to push their potential even further.

Over 30 students from 42 Barcelona advance to the ‘outer core’
Over 30 students from 42 Barcelona advance to the ‘outer core’