Join Forces | We Remain Connected
We want to help society by supporting the groups most affected by this unprecedented emergency, especially the elderly and families with children. Through the #SumaFuerzas initiative, we have started up more than 80 projects with different organizations, social entities and public administrations. Some of which are Cruz Roja, Save the Children, UNICEF, Grandes Amigos, Adopta un abuelo and the Asociación Española de Fundaciones. And you? Do you want to join forces with us?

Join Forces with: Cruz Roja | Save the Children | UNICEF | Contact us
The aim of #SumaFuerzas is to help those that most need it and contain this healthcare and social crisis caused by COVID-19. With this objective in mind, Fundación Telefónica has already set into motion different actions:
– In healthcare we have donated €25 million for the purchase of respirators and PPE. A coordinated effort with other large Spanish business organizations in communication with the healthcare authorities.
– Thousands of Telefónica Volunteers are offering virtual companionship to vulnerable groups, giving visibility to the causes and projects of social organizations and training other volunteers so that they can lead in the good use of technology in their nearby environments, as well as other actions. We are also assisting Cruz Roja, Save the Children, UNICEF, Grandes Amigos, Adopta un abuelo, Teléfono de la Esperanza, Entities for people with Disabilities, the Asociación Española de Fundaciones (Spanish Association of Foundations), and other organizations.
– Our volunteers have also set up solidary donation campaigns with Cruz Roja, Save the Children and UNICEF. Furthermore, through ProFuturo, Fundación Telefónica and Fundación “la Caixa”, 5,600 tablets have been donated to children in a situation of high vulnerability without access to educational resources and to hospitals and care homes throughout Spain.
– We also emphasize and share our free educational and employability platforms, as well as digital cultural content to be consumed at home.
Through the use of economic, human and digital resources, and at the hands of different entities, we are getting closer to society by providing support to the most vulnerable groups, especially the elderly and families with children.
Digital volunteers helping society
Through our thousands of volunteers and the currently active projects, we support those that most need it by viralizing their solidarity, inspiring, virtually accompanying vulnerable groups, providing visibility to social entities, training and promoting the digital inclusion of the most vulnerable groups,
– We have joined forces with Cruz Roja. With a donation of €500,000 for the creation of confinement spaces for the homeless and the delivery of basic goods to homes. Furthermore, the volunteers are carrying out virtual attention tasks, by telephone or digitally, and together developing solidary campaigns to cover needs as they arise.
– #SumaFuerzas donations campaign. Started up between the Telefónica employees and extends to any person that wants to assist economically. More than €25,000 raised in a week.
– #Atulado (AtYourSide) Program. A campaign for raising funds set up by the ONE Save the Children to help 2,000 families, by providing them with the basic and necessary food for three months.
– We work with UNICEF and the youngest ones. The employees of Telyco have launched the Reto Solidario (Solidary Challenge) to disseminate this video created by UNICEF to thank all the children around the world for the enormous effort that they are making during these days of confinement. The Volunteers of this team are helping to generate economic donations that are recorded on the UNICEF platform. At the same time, Fundación Telefónica will economically support UNICEF, in its Emergency Coronavirus Campaign, for the purchase of masks, virus detection kits, protective equipment for healthcare workers and hydroalcoholic hand sanitizing gel. All these healthcare materials will be delivered to the Spanish healthcare system.
– Digital rebirth. This is a companionship phoning initiative with the Grupo de Mayores de Telefónica (Telefónica Elderly Persons’ Group) which makes new technologies available to elderly people to keep the loneliness at bay.
– Letters for loneliness. Through the means of virtual correspondence, the volunteers accompany people with motor and mental disabilities, who are in residential homes, day care centers and vocational training centers.
– Break the circle of loneliness. This initiative, started up with Grandes Amigos and Teléfono de la Esperanza, aims to raise awareness of unwanted loneliness and how it affects the most vulnerable. The action consists of the dissemination of a video calling for people to maintain an effective communication with the most vulnerable groups in a situation of isolation, as a result, Fundación Telefónica will make an economic contribution to maintain the sustainability of the virtual care services.
– Reinforcement initiatives of social entities. Webinars are being carried out aimed at the professionals of social entities to train them in the use of digital tools and provide tips for teleworking. Digital volunteers for participating in management tasks or training for trainers with projects such as Tics para todos (ICT for everybody) and Ciberseguridad (Cybersecurity)..
– At the service of the foundations. Fundación Telefónica is also putting the digital volunteering at the service of the member foundations of the Asociación Española de Fundaciones (AEF). Together with the Altran, Orange, and Vodafone foundations, it is lending its capabilities and knowledge with the aim of contributing to the continued development of their great social labor, with support and consultancy in digital tools to facilitate their telework. Other lines of action include self-volunteering initiatives so that employees can set them into motion in their surroundings.
At Fundación Telefónica, we have also joined forces to launch Creating for Humanity, an alliance of nine entities driving social innovation with the aim of encouraging a massive mobilization of young people in the search for effective and quick solutions to the coronavirus crisis.
It is also placed at the service of society through mentoring actions, as is the case of Banco de Expertos with Proyecto Soledad (Project Loneliness), where employees from different disciplines within Telefónica work towards developing a platform to generate links between volunteers and people in a situation of unwanted loneliness; or Inspiring Girls, where women leaders in Telefónica give visibility to their role to inspire girls.
Digital training now makes more sense than ever. We join forces so that it reaches the most vulnerable groups and those that need it.
Training doesn´t stop
We are still making our platforms, courses and free training tools available to the whole of society. Through these, we can also cover the training needs of the most vulnerable collectives.
– We guarantee access to a digital education for children in a situation of vulnerability and we facilitate the communication between the families and their sick and elderly family members.. Through ProFuturo, Fundación Telefónica and Fundación “la Caixa” they have donated 1,000 tablets to the Community of Madrid to contribute towards addressing a reality that thousands of children are suffering due to the closure of classroom teaching. They have also donated 5,600 tablets to hospitals and care homes throughout Spain, so that their stay in these places, where visits have been prohibited, is a little more bearable.
– Free job training. Through the Job Connect program, we offer an extensive MOOC catalog to train in the digital skills and competences most demanded by the job market.
– We also provide you with the Job Map, an interactive and dynamic tool based on artificial intelligence, which will help you discover the best position for your abilities and the most sought-after professions in your city or province. As a complement, the Virtual Professional Counsellor will advise you on the necessary training for you to access the most sought-after digital professions in Spain. Using Big Data, the Counsellor ingests and processes a huge amount of information on the most sought-after job offers in the country and the skills they require.
– Learning platforms for teachers, parents and students. In the school sector, we provide three platforms for teacher training and STEAM skills free of charge, with more than 600 items of training content: ScolarTIC, STEMbyme and
We have joined forces with the Ministry of Culture to promote and disseminate all its cultural digital resources and bring them closer to society.
Culture in your house
Fundación Telefónica has joined the campaign of the Ministry of Culture to promote free digital content during these difficult times. #LaCulturaEnTuCasa is a campaign which has the participation of all the cultural institutions and state funded museums. It is an alternative for leisure, dissemination and knowledge with the closure of the cultural institutions and centers to visibilize and promote culture from the home.
– We offer all our personalized content by deferred transmission.
– Publications, free to download, on culture, science, art and education.
– We are creating new cultural content in digital format with specials on ‘Video games’ and ‘Health and Wellness’, etc. The classic Espacio Madresfera is now here with advice on how to face the pandemic as a family.
– We have launched the podcast on the architect and visionary Buckminster Fuller. And we have another two podcasts such as ‘Encuentros‘ (Encounters) and ‘Onda Marciana‘ (Martian Wavelength).‘.
– Together with the Museo Reina Sofía, we have launched the third edition of the Cubism MOOC.
– And famous programming cycles of the Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Fundación Telefónica Space) such as Todopoderosos (All powerful) and Fuera de Series (Off Series) continue from home.
– We have also joined the solidary and social initiative of Miguel Ángel Tobías, director of ‘Me llamo Gennet‘ (My name is Gennet), making the première of his latest documentary, ‘El guion de tu vida‘ (The script of your life) available to everyone at no cost. A story starring eight youngsters from different countries that show that it is possible to overcome adversity. This initiative, which has the cooperation of Accamedia, Versión Digital and Fundación Historias Que Deben Ser Contadas, aims to contribute so that youngsters, who are now in their homes, can learn about motivation, resilience and solidarity.

Are you a social entity? We want to help you!
We want to stand by you and support you in those needs that can be developed by our Telefónica Volunteers virtually: telephone companionship, Skype, webinars, actions to raise awareness, etc.
We propose that you send us all your requirements to the following email address: [email protected] so that we can assess them and see how we can best help you.