5 key skills of cybersecurity expert profiles

  • Employability

We review which skills are most in demand for professionals dedicated to cybersecurity and how you can train in them.

With the increase in cyber threats, which are also constantly evolving, the need for cybersecurity professionals has never been higher. According to our Employment Map, the current demand for these profiles exceeds 1,200 vacancies and, according to data from the last three months, will be increasing in the coming years. We will explore the most sought-after profiles in this field, providing information on salary ranges, experience and skills needed.

If we review the type of positions with the highest number of vacancies in the field of cybersecurity, there are two of them with the highest number of vacancies:

  • On the one hand, security analyst: whose main task is to analyze and evaluate the security of computer systems, detecting possible vulnerabilities in time. The salary range is between €35,000 and €70,000 per year (depending on experience and location). Find all cybersecurity job offers (Spanish version).
  • On the other hand, data scientist in cybersecurity: fundamental profile in the identification of threats and pattern analysis. Salaries range from €40,000 to €70,000 per year (depending on experience and location).

TOP 5 digital skills in cybersecurity

The five digital skills most in demand by companies, no matter their size whether they are SMEs or large corporations, for expert profiles in the field of cybersecurity, according to the Employment Map are:

  1. Cloud computing: this skill is oriented to secure computer systems in the cloud. Profiles with this competence are able to keep data private and secure through applications, infrastructure and online platforms.
  2. Firewall: in the field of security, it is essential for expert profiles to have the knowledge to develop programs that control the access of computers to the network and of network elements to machines in order to protect them, secure them and detect possible threats.
  3. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): ability to create security information and event management (SIEM) systems to centralize the storage and interpretation of security-relevant data. As well as the knowledge to detect and respond to security incidents; and create regulatory and compliance reports on security related events.
  4. Microsoft Azure: management and mastery of the cloud computing platform created by Microsoft to build, test, deploy and manage applications and services through the use of its data centers.
  5. Amazon Web Services (AWS): mastery of the collection of public cloud computing services offered over the Internet served by Amazon.

Training in cybersecurity, a safe bet for the future

In recent years, while the demand for these profiles has been increasing, the number of professionals in this sector has not changed. Companies need to fill hundreds of positions and there is a shortage of these professionals.

The graph shows the number of professionals currently specialized in cybersecurity, compared to the number of professionals in other functions (data from professionals registered in tecnoempleo.com).

Number of cybersecurity profiles vs. other profiles
Number of cybersecurity profiles vs. other profiles

Estos datos ponen de manifiesto la necesidad real de contar con personas formadas en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad de ahí que la formación y especialización en esta área es una puerta de entrada al mercado laboral.

Para conocer, según tu perfil profesional, las competencias que necesitarías para optar a puestos de ciberseguridad, el Orientador Profesional Virtual puede guiarte de forma gratuita. Cuando tengas claro las habilidades que necesitas desarrollar, puedes aprender online y gratis con el programa formativo Conecta Empleo.

These data highlight the real need for people trained in the field of cybersecurity, hence training and specialization in this area is a gateway to the labor market.

To find out, according to your professional profile, the skills you would need to apply for cybersecurity positions, the Virtual Career Advisor can guide you for free. Once you are clear about the skills you need to develop, you can learn online for free with the Conecta Empleo training program.

5 key skills of cybersecurity expert profiles
5 key skills of cybersecurity expert profiles