42 Malaga Fundación Telefónica, winner of the Evolución 2024 Award for Technological Innovation

  • Employability

This award, granted by Diario SUR and BBVA, reinforces the campus as an educational reference in the region.

42 Malaga received the Evolución 2024 award for Technological Innovation in the field of training for its contribution as a centre that promotes learning both digital skills and the human skills most in demand in today’s job market.

Campus 42 Malaga, promoted by Fundación Telefónica, Malaga City Council and the Andalusian Regional Government with the collaboration of the Malaga Provincial Council, opened its doors in 2022 and since its launch has established itself as a benchmark both in the field of training and employability, giving the opportunity to all those who may be interested to acquire, free of charge, the knowledge and skills necessary to opt for a quality job.

The awards, organised by Diario SUR and BBVA, recognise and give visibility to the best initiatives in technological and innovative Malaga. During the award ceremony of this ninth edition of the Evolución awards, Luis Prendes, Managing Director Fundación Telefónica, who collected the award from Yolanda Quesada, Commercial Director of Diario SUR, pointed out that: “42 arose as an opportunity open to all people who need a place to progress in peace and with a decisive social conscience. It is a project that was born without money being a barrier to entry and where no one is excluded. And that project is a reality in Malaga where 640 students of 40 nationalities are making their dreams come true. This award increases the value of 42 as a place where the development and professional growth of people is promoted, free of charge, to provide them with greater employment opportunities”.

Luis Prendes, during his speech, expressed his gratitude not only to the organisation of the awards but also to the City Council of Malaga, the Andalusian Government and the Provincial Council of Malaga for their support to be able to launch 42 Malaga in the city.

42 Malaga Fundación Telefónica, winner of the Evolución 2024 Award for Technological Innovation
42 Malaga Fundación Telefónica, winner of the Evolución 2024 Award for Technological Innovation