42 Madrid’s talent shines in the sixth edition of Innomakers4Health

  • Employability

The winning project, devised by three biomedical engineers and an ADE student and 42 Madrid, was an AI-poweredplatform for the early detection of nosocomial infections

42 Madrid hosted the sixth edition of the Innomakers4Health hackathon organised by Wayra, Pfizer and Fundación Pfizer; an initiative where innovation and technology meet health to face the challenges of the health sector to design solutions and create prototypes that improve people’s quality of life.

In this call, the challenge posed by the organisers to the participants was to find solutions to improve the diagnosis, treatment or use of antibiotics to effectively combat antimicrobial multidrug resistance.

The more than 100 boys and girls, divided into 20 teams, who took part in the challenge presented their projects, all of them ‘of a high level’, according to the jury that evaluated them, with the aim of winning the hackathon.

For 48 hours, the participating teams took on the challenge and in multidisciplinary teams, some of which included students from 42 Madrid, developed their prototypes to meet the challenge.

The first prize went to Aeris, a team made up of three biomedical engineers and an ADE and 42 Madrid student, awarded €3,000 for creating an AI-powered platform for the early detection of nosocomial infections (infections acquired in the hospital environment).

Aeris will also have the possibility of accelerating its project thanks to InnomakersLAB, Pfizer’s hub together with Wayra, which, in turn, will provide access to a mentoring programme for 6 months; the possibility of working in its space located in Madrid’s Gran Vía; access to Telefónica’s multiple business units and the opportunity to be invested in by Wayra in the future.

The second prize of €2,000 went to ReCero, a group of pharmacists who devised a device for depositing surplus antibiotics using an incentive system.

And third place went to Acté, a group of students from 42 Madrid.

If anything has become clear in this hackathon, it is that innovation, talent, teamwork and leadership are some of the skills of all the people who learn at the Fundación Telefónica 42 programming campuses.

42 Madrid’s talent shines in the sixth edition of Innomakers4Health
42 Madrid’s talent shines in the sixth edition of Innomakers4Health