42 Madrid celebrates five years of learning

  • Employability

In these five years, the programming campus has registered more than 57,000 applications and has held 25 pools.

The 42 Madrid programming campus celebrates its fifth anniversary. The Fundación Telefónica team that has worked and is currently working on the project is proud to have thousands of stories of overcoming, growth and progress; having given thousands of opportunities to change people’s lives.

42 Madrid opened its doors five years ago in the Telefónica District with the aim of becoming a training benchmark that prepares people, free of charge, to acquire the technical competencies and human skills that will lead them to become digital professionals in this era of permanent change.

In these five years, the programming campus has registered more than 57,000 applications, has held 25 pools, the selection process of 26 days of immersion in Method 42. As a result: more than two million hours of programming in which, currently more than 1,300 people are learning to learn to be the programmers of tomorrow.

42, the place of opportunities

In 2019, Fundación Telefónica opted for an innovative model that broke with the standard of traditional education: no teachers, no theoretical classes and no timetables that put people at the centre and turned them into students and mentors at the same time in which, to take part, only two requirements were necessary, the first being to be over 18 years old and the second, to have the desire to ‘learn how to learn’.

A total of 17,000 people signed up for the first pool of 42 Madrid, the selection process that, during 26 days of face-to-face immersion in the 42 method, allows candidates to try out a new way of training. These five years have only served to demonstrate that 42 Madrid ‘is the place of the first, the second, the last and the only opportunities to improve people’s lives’, as Luis Prendes, Director General of Fundación Telefónica, stated.

The main event of the 5th Anniversary included two round tables. The first was led by three students, Marina, Bruno and Teresa, who shared the meaning of 42 in their lives. All of them highlighted the value of teamwork, community and peer learning.

The second round table was attended by Belén García Díaz, Director General of the Public Employment Service of the Community of Madrid, Conchi Sanguino, Executive Director of Talent and Practises and Knowledge Management at BLUETAB and María Jesús Almazor, Chief Operating Officer of Telefónica Tech in Spain and America, who talked about the need for technological talent in the labour market; the possibilities that a method such as 42 offers to people who are committed to training in the digital skills most in demand by companies and the importance of attitude and continuous learning as pillars to strengthen professional profiles.


A week to remember

The anniversary week began with the start of the cursus for more than 420 people who have begun their learning at the Madrid campus after having passed the pools held from November to August. Currently, the campus has more than 1,300 students who are building their future under a model that promotes innovation, creativity, teamwork and collaboration.

42 Madrid students who have passed the common core, the seven levels of learning that ensure 100% employability, will receive recognition from the 42 community. In addition, an open day will be held over the weekend where people interested in getting to know the campus as well as the students’ families will learn first-hand why Campus 42 is the place where dreams come true.

42 Madrid celebrates five years of learning
42 Madrid celebrates five years of learning