Some knowledge that will prepare students for the new digital professions demanded in the workplace.
Free, face-to-face, without teachers, open 24/7 and with no age limit. 42 is much more than a programming campus, it is an academy of values, attitude and learning of hard and soft skills.

Nearly 2,000 students at the 42 campuses in Madrid, Barcelona, Urduliz (Bizkaia) and Malaga are starting their programming training with an innovative and disruptive methodology open to all those who want to enter the digital world.
At Fundación Telefónica, convinced that training is one of the best tools to leave no one behind in this period of change and digitalisation, we have launched the 42 programming campuses to make them a benchmark for training and a place where all those interested in acquiring the digital skills needed to find employment can do so.
The lack of qualified and skilled professionals in the skills most in demand by companies today is evident. In fact, only 17% of Spanish companies have digital technology specialists on staff, compared to 19% of European companies, according to data from Fundación Telefónica’s Digital Society in Spain report.
Learning programming, a passport to digital employment
Faced with this shortage of digital professionals, for the last four years Fundación Telefónica, in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia; the City Council of Barcelona and the Generalitat de Catalunya; and the City Council of Malaga, the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Provincial Council of Malaga, has been promoting free training in programming through its four campus 42 in our country.
This September nearly 2,000 students from Madrid, Malaga, Barcelona and Urduliz (Bizkaia) begin their learning to immerse themselves in an experience that will completely change their lives, an apprenticeship that will prepare them for the new digital professions with specialisations in areas such as:
- Big data
- Internet of Things
- Video game development
- Blockchain
- Cybersecurity
- Machine learning…
When asked what makes the method of our 42 programming campuses so different and innovative, we tell you in four key points:
- A completely groundbreaking learning method compared to the traditional educational model.
- A programming campus that opens the door to peer-to-peer training, without teachers, books or classes.
- A completely free model, open to people over 18 years of age and with no requirements or previous knowledge.
- A model aimed at training students both in digital skills, the most in demand today, and in what are known as ‘soft skills’: resilience and adaptation to change, tolerance to frustration, creativity and, above all, teamwork, among many others.
How to train at the 42 programming campuses?
The only requirement for joining the campuses is to be of legal age and have the desire to be an active part of the digital transformation of our society.
No previous training or knowledge of programming is required. Those who wish to start training with this method have to take:
- two online tests (memory and logical-mathematical).
- a face-to-face test, the so-called swimming pool. An immersive face-to-face experience lasting 26 days where the first notions of programming are learnt.
Enrolment is permanently open all year round with the call for pools announced on the website and social networks of each campus.
With an average duration of three years, 42 prepares for the new digital professions demanded by the labour market. In addition to 42’s training, there are other shorter and/or more specific formats, which have been attended by 45,000 people (Open days, Bootcamps, Piscine Discovery, etc.).
These new training experiences respond to the needs of different public profiles, from people who are unemployed or who want to upskill or reskill in their professional career, to teachers and professors, students of technical careers and with a special focus on women.