The great imagination. Histories of the future


Title The great imagination. Histories of the future

This exhibition presents a reflection on the future, understanding how and why it was conceived in the past, as well as what alternative futures we can imagine today in order to respond to the challenges we are facing.

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Have we always imagined, as we do now, radically different futures? How has our idea of the future changed at different historical moments? What impact have these ideas had on the evolution of our societies? How do these images appear and develop? What role do imagination and creativity play in the production of possible futures? To explore possible answers to all these questions, the exhibition The Great Imagination.

More info about this travelling exhibition (pdf)


Histories of the future, proposes a journey through images and fictions from different eras that were born to venture what could exist in a different time. Through disciplines such as literature and comics, cinema and advertising, architecture and design, the exhibition presents projects ranging from the first utopias to the most current speculations, including all the imaginary that spread from the Industrial Revolution and from which we continue to drink to a large extent. A journey through expectations of radically different worlds to come, taking us from the 17th century to 2050.