The project Intangibles. A digital exhibition of the Telefónica Collection aims to explore the impact and possibilities of technology on the way we look at, feel and interpret art.

Through the selection of some of the most significant artists in the Telefónica Collection – Picasso, Joaquín
Torres García, Juan Gris, René Magritte, Roberto Matta or María Blanchard – a digital proposal has been designed specifically for each of them, applying technologies ranging from interactive avatar software, tactile recognition or personal recognition sensor, to holophonic sound capture or interpretive software, among others. The aim of the exhibition is to generate a reflection on how the digital revolution has impacted the way we approach art, its physical and sensorial limits, its almost ubiquitous possibilities of reproducibility or the fragility of certain traditional criteria and values.
More info about this travelling exhibition (pdf)
Take a look at the complete catalogue of available exhibitions
The exhibition proposes a journey in which the visitor can immerse himself inside a painting, digitally generate a cubist still life or move to a painter’s studio through sound. A digital experience of a work of art can never replace the original and, obviously, this is not the goal of Intangibles. However, technology at the service of culture can amplify the sensations that art produces in the viewer, generate different emotions, include the public with its active participation and, above all, open new ways of knowledge about the artists and their work.