Big Bang Data. Come and open your mind


Title Big Bang Data. Come and open your mind

After touring around Spain (Barcelona and Madrid) this exhibition arrives at Espacio Fundación Telefónica Buenos Aires, Argentina and will be displayed from June to November 2015.

Place Espacio Fundación Telefónica Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date July 2 - November 28

Big Bang Data is a project that explores the phenomenon of the data explosion in which we are immersed. For the last five years, there has been a broad awareness among academics, scientists, administrators, businesses and culture as a whole that generating, processing and, above all, interpreting data with the technologies we are developing can radically change our society.

We all create data on our mobile devices via sensors, social networks, digital photos and videos, purchase-transaction records and GPS signals. But the novelty lies in that it’s getting easier to store and process this vast amount of data, which draw patterns (regarding issues, behaviour, consumption, votes, investments, etc.). This reality is completely and quickly changing the way decisions are made at all levels.

The six parts that conform the exhibition are: The World´s Heartbeat, What You Think, What You Do, The New Era of Knowledge, We are Data, What Data Doesn´t Tell and Data for Common Wellfare.