Fundación Telefónica´s The Information Society in Spain report is a reference work which year after year shows the situation, improvements and use level of communications and digital services in Spain. This year´s edition, number seventeen, maintains its usual structure and presents objectively Spain´s situation regarding network infrastructures and new services consumption, comparing the country´s position with other nations.
This report describes the evolution of wired and wireless networks, of Information Society services and its level of use by different social segments and also the activity of the Administration and of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. It likewise includes more disruptive lines of investigation, like Artificial Intelligence (AI) or self-driving cars, which may reshape the digital economy in the next years.
Apart from external information sources, a relevant part of the data included in the report comes from the business units of Telefónica. There is also information coming from the Spanish regional governments, which tells about the development of the Information Society in each one of the different autonomous regions of the country.
Telefonica brings one more year the analysis of the development Information Society in Spain which makes the digital future part of our present.