This is a comic book about the story of the most awarded Paralympic swimmer and Fundación Telefónica´s ambassador, which has been written and drawn by some of the best Spanish comics artists. Some of them, like Paco Roca or Javier Olivares, have been awarded with the Premio Nacional del Cómic (National Comics Prize), the highest recognition in Spain, and many others are well-known through their work: Miguel Gallardo, Purita Campos, Joaquín Reyes, Paula Bonet, Natacha Bustos, Mauro Entrialgo or Peridis. Up to 22 illustrators have portrayed different aspects of the life and personality of Teresa Perales. The prologue of this work has been written by Pau Gasol, another great Spanish sportsman and Teresa´s close friend.
This publication is also a tribute to the world of sport and pretends to give visibility to every Paralympic sportsman and sportswoman who struggle day after day to earn recognition and to be considered as the rest of their colleagues.