We decided to dedicate issue 115 of the paper magazine to analyzing what is happening to us, the lessons we are learning, and to drawing a possible future. For a world under construction, in which "we have to define new rules, based on values, which we will all have to write" we have approached the members of the TELOS Scientific Committee to provide us with their vision of the present and the future.
The front cover features two exponents of the disciplines that will characterize our immediate future: sustainable urbanism, the city; and artificial intelligence, data management and privacy. They are Belinda Tato, architect, and Xabi Uribe-Etxebarria, a world leader in the development of AI. Both show the importance of the human factor in everything we do, whether it is fighting so that the pandemic does not take more lives with the available technology, creating a vaccine to end the coronavirus or developing an artificial intelligence with principles such as respect for the privacy of people.