TELOS magazine issue 113 is dedicated to sustainability. Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity, we propose a debate, with analysis and proposals, for the consolidation of a society with a short, medium future long term.
When we had the publication ready, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic COVID-19. The world faces the "most severe crisis since World War II" due to the high loss of life and the economic impact it will have. Our commitment to the future, our willingness to contribute to its construction, or at least to the economic and social reconstruction after the pandemic, encouraged us to ask the authors to update their proposals. At the same time, we expanded the call for collaborations for our digital version. The response was immediate. This paper number is enriched like no other with the publications on the pandemic that have been appearing on the web.