Digital culture
Title How Do We Read in the Digital Society?
Author Francisco Cruces (Dir.), Gemma Lluch, Remedios Zafra, Julián López García, Gloria G. Durán, Jorge Moreno Andrés, Romina Colombo, Nuria Esteban, Anna Esteve, Virginia Calvo and Maite Monar
Date September of 2017
How Do We Read in the Digital Society?


The reading landscape is changing rapidly. Nevertheless, books are no longer in danger of disappearing and are coming alive again driven by the reinvention of reading which arises from the use of the devices and services of the Digital Society.

New and diverse ways of reading emerge to add up to individual reading. Reading therefore becomes more social, holistic, active and affective. It is also marked by its relationship with writting, by interactivity, sociability, mobility, image, rituals, sentimental education, the availability of devices and the proliferation of situations to read.