In the midst of a geopolitical and economic scenario marked by uncertainty, the digital revolution is gradually transforming society, changing how we produce, work and live from day to day. Technology is already present in all areas, driving the evolution towards a networked planet in which information has become a strategic asset. Despite the confusion and danger that it entails, every convulsive age like the current one opens the possibility for new ideas to emerge and to build a new, better world. In this effort, the defense of human rights must be the rudder that guides us, facing the crisis by putting people at the center.
Spain keeps its digital transformation process at a good pace, occupying a prominent position in this regard among European countries. As in previous years, our country is an indisputable leader in terms of connectivity, and it is gradually improving in those headings in which it showed the greatest weakness, such as knowledge and advanced use of digital technologies by citizens.
The Digital Society in Spain 2023 report presents an overview of the degree of adoption and use of technology in Spanish society, with special emphasis on citizens and companies, and also presents the latest cutting-edge trends, such as Industry 4.0. or drones, as well as emerging phenomena, such as Web3.