Most watched
Biohacking. Become the Best Version of Yourself
Biohacking is a current of thought that defends the right of each person to modify their body through science and technology to increase human capacities. This issue of the Most Watched series deals with the...
Most watched
Artificial Intelligence. Machines That Learn By Themselves
The evolution of artificial intelligence during the last decades has created programs and algorithms that not only mechanically perform scheduled tasks, but also are able to learn from experience, as humans do, can make judgments...
Most watched
Blockchain, A Revolution Beyond Finance
This issue of the collection Most Watched addresses the technology based on block chains, better known as blockchain. This is a system of information exchange in a transparent manner for all users who are part...
Most watched
eSports, from the Screen to the Stadium
Most Watched number 5 addresses the eSports phenomenon, which has transformed videogames into crowded shows that take place in stadiums, such as normal sport games. eSports are based on live broadcasts of multiplayer videogame contests and...
Most watched
Why Snapchat Is Not a Social Network
Number 4 of the Most Watched series deals with the boom of Snapchat, the Smartphone app which deletes the user´s photopraphs after a while. Its founders describe Snapchat as a “camera Company” and not as...
Most watched
Drones, a Flying Delivery Technology
Most Watched number 3 tackles the use of drones as delivery vehicles. Drones have been used in test flights to transport food and wares to the homes, blood and drugs to health-care centers in remote...
Most watched
When cars are self-driven
Most Watched is a collection of publications aimed to show society the advantages of living in a digital world and the roll of digital culture as a transformation factor, which brings out innovative talent and...
Most watched
Augmented Reality Hits the Streets. Pokémon Go Case Study
Most Watched is a collection of publications the aim to show society the advantages of living in a digital world and the role of digital culture as a transformation factor, which brings out innovative talent...