Travelling exhibitions

Fake News. The factory of lies

What are they really and how do they spread? What tools do we have to make them? How can we detect and combat them? 'Fake News. The Factory of Lies' is an exhibition that aims to review the phenomenon of fake news over the centuries and to reflect on the impact it has on our society today.


The exhibition 'Brain(s)' explores how art, science and philosophy have represented this fascinating organ throughout history and takes us into both the anatomy of the brain and everything it generate

Algorithms and code

Can algorithms guarantee greater neutrality and efficiency? Are they as free from human bias as we tend to think? How can we make our humanity prevail in a calculated world?

Liam Young. Building worlds

In this exhibition, we bring together the Australian creator’s most outstanding works –known for the captivating visions of his imaginary worlds– in the form of video installations.

Transformations. Spain in the 1920s in Telefónica's Photographic Archives

Transformations brings together a collection of magnificent images from the mid-1920s, taken by a team of photographers who worked on the conception of an unusual collective imaginary in Spain

Yes? Phone speaking. Brief history of the telephone and more

This exhibition shows a small part of the history of technology in Spain, the changes that have occurred in the concept of communication and what they have meant for the society

Contemporary Photography in the Telefónica Collection

Contemporary Photography in the Telefónica Collection captures, through the works of some of the most outstanding contemporary photographers on the international scene

Highlights. Telefónica Collection

Highlights. Telefónica Collection is born as the most significant and relevant selection of the iconic pieces of the collection.

Connections in the Telefónica Collection

Connections in the Telefónica Collection presents these three collections together for the first time, connecting ideas and establishing a dialogue between art, science and technology

Mars. The conquest of a dream

This exhibition approaches the red planet from multiple perspectives. From its study throughout history to the first space missions.

Intangibles. A digital exhibition of the Telefónica Collection

The project Intangibles. A digital exhibition of the Telefónica Collection aims to explore the impact and possibilities of technology on the way we look at, feel and interpret art.

Joanie Lemercier. Landscapes of light

Joanie Lemercier (Rennes, 1982) immerses the viewer in a journey through different landscapes

Color. The knowledge of the invisible

Colour has been attracting the attention of philosophers, artists, historians and scientists for centuries.

The great imagination. Histories of the future

This exhibition presents a reflection on the future, understanding how and why it was conceived in the past, as well as what alternative futures we can imagine today