Picasso and the Museum


Title Picasso and the Museum

Place Fundació Bancaixa, Valencia. Spain
Date October 29, 2015 - February 28, 2016

N° Inv. 10/79  ( CA 447 )

Author: PICASSO, Pablo
Title: Tête de mousquetaire a la pipe
Date: 1967
Size (w/f): 60 x 47 cm
Technique and support: Ink on paper


N° Inv. 10/80  ( CA 448 )
Author: PICASSO, Pablo
Title: D’aprés Rembrandt (anverso)
Date: 1967
Size (w/f): 35,5 x 52,5 cm
Technique and support: Ink on paper


Author: PICASSO, Pablo
Title: Femme (reverse)
Date: 1967